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Today's Market

Financial Updates
No Financial institution was ever created with the intent of helping people. Still, financial advisors and mutual funds claim to care deeply about the well being and "Personalized Investment Plan" for their clients.
Don't sacrifice gains and fees to corrupt institutions who do not act in good faith. Learn to invest. Economic Revolt offers knowledge and transparency into our investment strategem at the most competitive price on the market: Less than your daily energy drink.

Best Technical Indicators For Trading
Economic RVLT uses very strict criteria to determine the best stocks to be in. Unlike news organizations that publish "financial advice" paid for by the same stocks they recommend, Economic RVLT puts aside the bogus to look at real factors that drive stocks.
Fundamental Data
We look at financial data and income statements to determine which companies have strong financial standings and which companies are overpriced. By doing this, we can determine what stocks are relatively cheap, and what stocks are bloated.

Technical Indicators
Big financial firms, or "Big Fi", are beholden to certain regulations that private firms and you as individual investors are not beholden to. There are certain technical levels that Big Fi cannot buy or sell until stock prices hit. We know what these indicators are and when to spot them. This tells us when an influx of institutional selling or buying will begin.

Insider Trading
We all know the system is corrupt. The best investors are usually privy to congressional insight or extreme amounts of lobby spending. We look at these metrics to determine what directions stocks will go based on how these insiders are positioning.
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